Menschen von innen heraus strahlen zu sehen, freut mich immer sehr. Das ist irgendwie so ansteckend und erfüllt einen selbst mit positiven Vibes – die beste Grundlage um gut arbeiten zu können. Ich wünsche meinen lieben Kunden alles Gute! Bleibt so herzlich wie ihr seid und ich hoffe wirklich, dass euch diese Bilder in der einen oder anderen schwierigen Situationen, die in der Zukunft kommen wird, an das Gute in euren Beziehungen erinnert.
Ich frage mich oft WARUM ich eigentlich immer diese Hochzeiten fotografiere, warum wird mir nicht langweilig, warum ist es mir so wichtig, dass meine Bilder betont fröhlich, glücklich und trotzdem echt sind. Das ist doch nicht das reale Leben, natürlich nicht.
Aber es ist ein Teil des Lebens und es ist jedem Menschen überlassen zu entscheiden, ob er den weißen Wolf ein bisschen mehr füttert als den schwarzen. Darum möchte ich mit diesen Bildern meinen Paaren Premium-Futter für den weißen Wolf mitgeben, dann bleibt er immer stärker als der schwarze.
Danke an die besten Kunden und an das kreative Team dieser Hochzeit im Schloss Amerang! Die Verlinkungen seht ihr am Ende des Beitrags.
Alles Liebe
PS: dieser Post ist auf Deutsch, weil mir danach war und ihr ihn wahrscheinlich alle versteht. Diejenigen, die ihn nicht verstehen, schauen sich sowieso nur die Fotos an.
PPS: die Gesichter mancher Kinder wurden auf Wunsch der Eltern unkenntlich gemacht, es ist kein Druckfehler. 🙂
This wooden box is a timeless and beautiful storage for some memories. I really enjoy taking pictures out of their computer monitor life and giving my clients not only digital files, but something to hold in their hands, too.
Have a look at the packaging for my clients and let me know what you think in the comments.
Love and hugs,
PS: This package is on the way to the lovely M&M, they celebrated their wedding two weeks ago in Schloss Amerang, with lots of ice cream, hugs, kisses and the best food in Southern Germany by Peppi Kalteis Catering.
Lots of love to these two! Slowly I start realizing what a privilege it is to have real dream clients. It changes everything. I love my job. Thank you for that amazing experience! Assenova Assenova2016-06-15 12:50:052016-06-15 12:56:02Packaging for my clients Assenova Assenova2016-01-18 21:08:242016-01-19 19:20:50J + B // French-British-German wedding in Roussillon, France Assenova Assenova2015-09-01 15:16:502015-09-01 18:04:43One for Lisa and Beni Assenova Assenova2015-08-26 19:08:192015-08-26 19:10:30V + J // Ecuadorian-Bavarian wedding at la Villa Starnberger See
Viva gli sposi! Sarah and Maurizio celebrated their love with lots of baci and beer, good food, great friends, despite a priest without a cell phone, who was running 40 minutes too late for the ceremony.
Isn´t it fascinating how people move cities and countries throughout their lifes, find love for each other and end up in a white dress and a black suit, eventually committing themselves to each other in the name of love?
I really hope the photographs I take inspire people for their love and serve them as a reminder in tough times, maybe even give them a little hope and idealization for their relationship when things don’t seem to run so smooth.
Thanks to Sarah and Maurizio for having me and for a beautifully written and displayed feature, too!
“I really really hope, that one day at my wedding it’s gonna rain like the whooole day.” – said no one ever. Wait. Actually, a Californian said that to me once. Rain and 10 degrees in the end of July must be really somewhat exotic for them.
Let’s just say, us people in central Europe are blessed with lots of water coming down from heaven. Yet these circumstances don’t seem to fit the idea of a summer wedding most people dream of. Photography-wise it definitely is a challenge to shoot in the rain, but so it is in dark churches, or in bright light in the middle of the day. It gets a bit tricky sometimes not because of the rain for me, but because people think the rain is a disaster. Which it is not at all.
Anja and Felix shared the same values with me and I love them for it! We had so much fun playing around with different perspectives during the portrait shoot and I’m happy the MarryMagmagazine showed their rain wedding at Alpe Hohenegg. Get more behind the scenes information of what it is like to get married in the rain directly from the couple in the new MarryMag issue no. 3 – ten pages full of tips including the wedding planning duo of Hochzeitskonzept. In stores right now! 🙂 Assenova Assenova2015-06-08 18:09:432015-06-08 18:30:20WHAT IF IT RAINS AT YOUR WEDDING? Assenova Assenova2015-05-24 10:57:332015-10-06 09:08:39A lot can happen in a year